Friday, 29 May 2009

Pingu and Pingvina in Egypt

Winter in Switzerland was too wet and cold even for our parents, after we pestered them for weeks they finally agreed to a very dry holiday location where we could heal our damp little bodies. Pingvina has never seen the desert which I loved so much in India so I insisted to show her what it’s like. The closest desert we could find was in Egypt, with camels just like in Rajasthan, so I pushed for a trip there. My parents were extremely excited about my recommendation, only later I found out why.

It pretty much went downhill from there. OK, the flight was wonderful, we even saw the great pyramids from our window. The climate was perfect - the heat dried our fluff within minutes, what a relief! Pingvina seemed to have lost some grams, she was sexier than ever. The hotel was ten thousand times better than our usual shacks, they had a huge hall just for dining with three buffets a day for hundreds of people - Pingu heaven!!! And the Egyptians loved me, they haven’t seen a real penguin before, one offered me a whole camel for Pingvina! (I declined of course, after a few sleepless nights) In the hotel they kept making us offerings in the form of animal towels, must be an old tradition in Egypt, but they became more and more agitated and unhappy and I realised that these guys either insisted on marrying Pingvina or wanted me to make rain, which is completely against my work ethics! I had my fun with the towels but later refused to accept them.

All this was OK, the rest was a nightmare. My parents were there for the diving - yuck $#@£@##!!!! We were stuck in the hotel room most of the time, sitting on our stupid towels. I liked the haggling but as soon as I accepted two camels for Pingvina they simply rolled with laughter. Then there was no alcohol, only a can of beer now and then - not enough for a holiday! The camel rides were too expensive for my parents - typical. We visited some ancient temples in Luxor where I unsuccessfully tried to contact their local gods with bird or even hippo heads - apart from loud breathing I couldn’t understand a word. They wrote in pictograms but I had no clue - couldn’t they just write so anyone can understand???
I liked the idea of my own tomb or pyramid though, me and Vini mummified to be remembered forever, thousands of slaves building our grave, a huge 5m tall pyramid or a tomb in the Valley of the Penguins, my curse protecting the treasures....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!