Friday, 21 September 2007

Arriving in India

It was a nightmare. Another dark long déjà vu in a dark cramped space. Another surprise at the end. The amount and intensity of all the smells was beyond measure, stuff I never smelt before and some even edible, this was definitely my place! But oops, wasn’t this the place where they wanted to donate my poor fluffy self to wing-pulling drooling biting screaming bad-smelling children??? I panicked again and tried to enjoy my last free moments. Suddenly his hand grabbed me, it was incredibly bright suddenly and I found myself cuddled up in a soft warm nice-smelling hand full of love – MAAAMIIII!!!

Yes, that’s how I found my Mami, how she found me. It was obviously all just a prank about the dangerous brats and so on, I’m sure what happened was 100% fate and not just pity because I’m so cute (like they still say sometimes). It was soon clear that I was to spend most of my childhood in this smelly place called India, and boy that was fun! I was still young and white on my belly back then, but the adventures ahead were to turn me into quite a cool guy.

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